World Logic Day 2023         

We celebrate the world logic day, 14th January 2023 with a workshop on the philosophy of logic and computing.

The workshop will take place online at 14th January 2023, 14.00 to 18.30 (CET). Everyone is welcome to join the talks and contribute to the discussions.
Please, contact Timm Lampert for registration and to receive the Zoom link by January 13th, 2023.

time (CET) Talk Chair
14.00 Timm Lampert (Hagen): Introduction
14:10 Alfred Olszok (Leipzig): What Martin Gardner did not know. New research on Logic Diagrams and their Pedagogical Reception.      Claudia Anger
14:40 Andrea Reichenberger (Siegen): The Turing-Machine: A Thought Experiment? A Sideways Look at a Forgotten Report from 1937 Alfred Olfszok
15:20 Coffee Break
15:35 Klaus Mainzer (TU München): Proof and Computation in Logic, Mathematics, and Artificial Intelligence Stefania Centrone
16:15 Claudia Anger (Hagen): The Square of Opposition: Krause, Gergonne and Bitstring Semantics Jens Lemanski
16:45 Coffee Break
17:00 Stefania Centrone (Hagen): Conception of Proofs from Aristotle to Gentzen's Calculi Andrea Reichenberger
17:40 Victor Rodych (Lethbridge, Canada): Gödel's Wittgenstein Timm Lampert
18:30 Closing Remarks Andrea Reichenberger

© Timm Lampert / 2022-11-03